drill bit

Pointer Drill Bit Guaranteed Best Construction Material Philippines’ Prices

What is a drill bit?

Drill bit is a construction consumable that is mainly used to drill holes in a variety of sizes and common material such as wood, metal, plastic, ceramic tile, porcelain tiles and even concrete.

What is a drill?

Drills are cutting instruments that are usually invariably circular in cross-section and are used to remove material to produce holes.

Drills can make a variety of holes in a wide range of materials and come in a wide variety of sizes and forms.

Drill bits are normally attached to a drill in order to make holes, and the drill’s motor rotates the drill bits to cut through the workpiece. The shank of a bit will be caught by the drill in the chuck.

Standard drill bit sizes are available for drills. An extensive drill bit and tap size chart includes essential screw tap sizes along with metric and imperial sized drills. Additionally, some specialist drill bits have the ability to make holes with a non-circular cross-section.

A drill bit is a material with conical bit with a stairstep profile. Due to its design, a bit can be used for drilling different hole sizes.

Some drill bit has a pointy edge and self tapping but can damage the material. Others have larger size bits that has a blunt edge and mainly used for enlarging existing holes.

What are the types of drill bit?

Drill bit is are typed as Twist Drill, Counterbore, Countersink, Flat Bottom Boring, and Specialty. And the pointer drill bit are into twist drill which has pointy edge.

drill bit

The table below shows the latest retail May 2024 prices of Drill Bit in Philippines Peso price per pieces including sizes

Price and Standard Size of Pointer Drill Bit per pc in the Philippines

Drill Bit9/64″75.00
Drill Bit3/8″210.00
Drill Bit1/8″55.00
Drill Bit5/32″60.00
Drill Bit3/16″80.00
Drill Bit1/4″105.00
Price and Standard Size of Pointer Drill Bit per pc in the Philippines

UPDATED: Construction Material Prices for Drill bit in the Philippines (May 2024)

UPDATED: All Construction Prices are based on retail prices around hardware in Metro Manila

To see other material construction, please see here.

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