Metal Studs Guaranteed Best Construction Material Philippine’s Prices

metal stud cph

What is Metal Stud?

Cold-formed steel components are used to produce walls and planes in structural metal stud framing. A stud and a track are the two primary components of metal stud framing. In weight bearing walls and structural purposes such as external walls, heavier gauge metal studs are employed. Non-load bearing applications, such as interior walls, half-walls, and partitions, require lighter gauge metal studs.

Metal stud framing techniques are comparable to those used in wood building. Metal studs come in a lot of the same standard sizes as wood studs. Screws are commonly used to mechanically attach metal studs. Fixed clips are popular because they provide designers with more bypass framing possibilities. In places where seismic activity is a concern, deflection connections might be employed. Deflection connections allow a stud wall and its substrate to move independently. Stiffener plates are widely used to reinforce connections around apertures.

What is the Use of Metal Stud?

Also, metal studs are structural metals that are mainly used for framing walls and ceilings. They add accent and design to most residential and commercial building with its easier to install framing than normal wood studs.

These can be used to frame drywall for partitions of various areas or can be used as a framing for ceiling to create various styles such as drop ceiling, cove ceiling, or just a basic gypsum ceiling design.

Metal studs offer the same fundamental support for a building’s structure as timber studs. The external and internal walls, the ceiling, and the roof are all supported by the studs. Metal studs’ load weight limit, like that of wooden studs, is determined by a variety of criteria, including stud height, breadth, and spacing

Can Metal Stud Supports Weight?

Also, Metal studs’ axial load, or load weight limit, varies greatly. For example, an 8-foot, 3-1/2-inch metal stud can hold nearly 2,000 pounds, yet a 16-foot stud of the same width can only sustain 400 pounds. Although several factors influence the load weight limit for metal studs, the longer the studs are, the less weight they can hold. As a result, higher studs may need to be placed closer together to provide the same level of structural support.

And metal stud spacing, like wood stud size, has a significant influence on the amount of support that the studs give. For example, 16-foot, 3-1/2-inch metal studs set every 16 feet within a wall give nearly twice the support as studs of the same size spread every 24 feet. Shorter studs, such as 8-footers, have less of an influence on spacing since they provide the same amount of support whether spaced at 12 or 24 inches.

The table below shows the latest retail January 2024 prices of metal studs in Philippine Peso price per roll including its size dimension.

Price and Standard Sizes of Metal Studs per pcs in the Philippines

50 mm x 75 mm x 3.0 M
GA 25 (0.50 mm)354.00
GA 24 (0.60 mm)360.00
GA 22 (0.80 mm)382.00
GA 20 (1.00 mm)480.00
50 mm x 100 mm x 3.0 M
GA 25 (0.50 mm)343.00
GA 24 (0.60 mm)406.00
GA 22 (0.80 mm)502.00
GA 20 (1.00 mm)605.00
50 mm x 150 mm x 3.0 M
GA 25 (0.50 mm)445.00
GA 24 (0.60 mm)550.00
GA 22 (0.80 mm)700.00
GA 20 (1.00 mm)800.00
35 mm x 51 mm x 2.4 M
GA 25 (0.50 mm)210.00
GA 24 (0.60 mm)215.00
35 mm x 64 mm x 2.4 M
GA 25 (0.50 mm)180.00
GA 24 (0.60 mm)187.00
35 mm x 76 mm x 2.4 M
GA 25 (0.50 mm)189.00
GA 24 (0.60 mm)195.00
35 mm x 51 mm x 3.0 M
GA 25 (0.50 mm)180.00
GA 24 (0.60 mm)200.00
35 mm x 64 mm x 3.0 M
GA 25 (0.50 mm)225.00
GA 24 (0.60 mm)228.00
35 mm x 76 mm x 3.0 M
GA 25 (0.50 mm)230.00
GA 24 (0.60 mm)240.00
Price and Standard Sizes of Metal Studs per pcs in the Philippines

UPDATED: Construction Material Prices for Metal Studs in the Philippines (January 2024)

UPDATED: All Construction Prices are based on retail prices around hardware in Metro Manila

To see other material construction, please see here.

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